Karibu! Welcome!

Since 2004, EWB@ MSU's professional and student volunteers have worked with community members in Khwisero, Kenya to provide water and sanitation infrastructure at the district's 58 primary schools, making it easier for Khwisero's children to avoid waterborne disease and get an education.

In that time, the group has grown from a small club to one of MSU's premier student organizations, raising hundreds of thousands of dollars to fund seven borehole wells, six composting latrines and a biogas latrine that serve thousands of community members.

Thank you for joining us as we continue to work hand-in-hand with local partners to make a difference in one small part of our world. As Western Kenya's limited internet access allows, we will update this blog while in-country with the successes, stories and lessons provided by our work.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Map of Khwisero and the 2 new schools

The following is a map of the Khwisero district in western Kenya created by several EWB@MSU students after last summer.  Adam Sigler took on the task of recording a GPS point for each primary school and their closest water source.  The 2 new schools we will be working with are numbers 8 (Ekatsombero) and 9 (Mwisena), in the eastern most point of the district.  I've blown up the map of these schools.  

We are excited to finally expand our work to Eastern Khwisero after working only in the west for the first 5 schools (Emwaniro 30, Ikomero 37, Shirali 46, Munyanza 47, and Ebuhonga 52).

Click on the images to see larger versions.

Images are property of Engineers Without Borders at Montana State University and can not be used without the written permission.  Email ewbmsu@gmail.com for permission.

1 comment:

newton said...

i love your work guys, keep up